Don't Shade Me Oct 12 Written By The Parable Girl “For those that have been told they are light skin, brown skin, dark skin whatever skin...Know you are not defined by your shade. God beholds you and has adorned you with a beauty deeper than this world will ever know. It’s layers are continual made for a man who really gets it. But if we step out the “beauty box” we can give this generation a sample of what God intended our beauty to be. Don’t forget the little girls behind you. “ The Parable Girl ” The Parable Girl
Don't Shade Me Oct 12 Written By The Parable Girl “For those that have been told they are light skin, brown skin, dark skin whatever skin...Know you are not defined by your shade. God beholds you and has adorned you with a beauty deeper than this world will ever know. It’s layers are continual made for a man who really gets it. But if we step out the “beauty box” we can give this generation a sample of what God intended our beauty to be. Don’t forget the little girls behind you. “ The Parable Girl ” The Parable Girl