"Come out the boat and walk the water"

Why did Jesus walk on water? In my bible study time the Holy Spirit led me to a familiar text of scripture.

Suddenly it became unfamiliar, new and I asked questions...

Matthew 14/22-33

Shortly before dawn, Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake.

What does it look like shortly before dawn? If it was shortly after dawn we know the sun would be up. But Jesus came to them before the light broke through the darkness. He came to them at the darkest hour.

And they thought he was a ghost. His light was not of this natural world but of the supernatural against the black rushing waters.

So did Jesus just walk on water so that artists of every century can depict the miracle in a variety of images?  Did he do it so we can reenact this famous scripture in dozens of Biblical movies with cool graphic imaging? Lastly, did He do it to just show off and frighten a boat full of grown bearded men?

or did He do it for something greater?

Did He walk on water because He wanted us to walk the water too?

But Jesus immediately said to them,

Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid. Come.

And Peter came. Jesus has called you too. He wants you to step out of your comfort zone. He wants you to walk on uncharted waters. He wants you to brave the storm. His voice is assuring, His presence is peace giving and He has everything under control. All you have to do is be brave, keep your eyes upon Him and Go.

Walk the water just like Peter did. Be the one to go further. Be the one to get closer. He won't let you drown.

I believe Jesus walked the water as a sign for what was to come. He allowed his disciples to go ahead of Him all the while knowing how he would greet them later on. God is all knowing and He has a purpose for every moment in our lives. He did it to say if I can do this I can do so much more for you, with you.


Jesus wanted to open their eyes to His glory, His majesty, His power.

Jesus wanted them to believe.

Jesus wanted them to trust him.

Jesus wanted them to have faith.

  Jesus wanted them to follow Him to not just walk the water but bring Heaven to Earth.

What would have happened if they all followed him? What would have happened if they took courage? What if they disobeyed the laws of this world and had childlike faith? What if they saw behind the veil and moved in the supernatural?

Would they have left him when the Roman soldiers came to arrest him if they walked the water?

Would they have doubted His Resurrection if they walked the water?

I don't get it!

They witnessed Jesus (God Himself) walk on water and they still doubted. Judas still betrayed Him. Peter still denied Him. Thomas was still practical Thomas. Why weren't they radical, expectant, and faith filled after seeing that?

But I had to ask myself this question.

Why do we still doubt when we believe in the resurrection, when we believe in the rapture, when God has performed many miracles in our lives. Time after time He has shown us He is God but again we doubt His power because it's dark and scary because we can't see what's ahead.

What if Jesus told you to "Come walk on water." Would you go?


In the darkest hour of the night would you go?

In the worst time of your life can you keep your eyes on Him?

When the strong winds blow will you doubt His power; will you forget who He is? Will you allow the waves to overtake you?

Or will you keep moving through the darkness to a brighter dimension?

Dawn comes in the darkest hour.

Jesus is the Dawn and He is here.

Answer His call.

Step out your boat and walk the water.

Step by step His perfect plan will be revealed.


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