Joy to the World
For God so loved the world...
He gave his son. The one and only, the prince of peace, the glory of heaven, the Lion of Judah.
He came not like a roaring lion (though he could have) but as a meek lamb.
He came as a serving King. What does that look like in our eyes?
Glory roamed the Earth though holy men recognized him not. Will the church of today rejoice in his return?
He says...
whosoever believes in him....
He will not forsaken but grant access to the kingdom forever.
Who desires the keys to man's castles and fortresses when we can bring heaven on earth?
Live like eternity is here on Earth. Love without self gain. Give without expecting payback. Forgive as your forgiven. Live by example.
Resurrect from the grave. Exchange casket clothes for princely robes. Climb out of the burial ground. You have his stamp of approval.
All access granted to the redeemed! No good thing has he withheld from his own.
Joy to the World, O'Holy Night, Hark the Herald Angels Sing, Go tell it on the Mountain,
Merry Christmas for God so loved the world!!
The Parable Girl