The Parable Creative

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Hello Ladies!

We are in the process of a name change. This site is being born again! Praise the Lord, Hallelujah! Everyone stretch out your hands. Just having fun… I am grateful God continues to speak to me even when I am hard of hearing. I’m going to be honest, it hasn’t been easy trying to configure what He wants me to do or what He wants me to do first. There is so much on my mind!! Do you feel like you are in a whirlwind some days where you know what you want to do but don’t know how to get it started or where to start? Then you are not alone. When the day is done there is something that keeps me up at night, that channels my mind to stay on even when I want to press the pause button. There is idea, after idea, after idea but where is the time to complete them or even begin! I am a kindergarten teacher by day and a mother of a two year old throughout the day, as we moms know that job is ongoing. I am a wife going on 4 years and as we married folk know every year is a milestone! I love married life, mommy life and teacher life. But I know I’m called to do more.

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Where It All Began…

The vision of the Parable Girl was birthed from my intimacy with God. In my mid twenties I spent a lot of time alone with God. Reading His word, studying the scriptures, listening to songs that brought me to a closer place with Him. ( You can find all of my posts going back to 2010 on this blog) Back then I felt like “this is where I want to stay”. I wrote parables to describe that relationship. Fast-forward to now… little did I know when I went from twenty something to thirty something that plateau wasn’t where I was suppose to stay. Now that I am married and have a child things are so different. I am no longer a spring chicken no matter how much I want to dress like I am! I have some experience under my belt. I battled cancer and overcame it. I went through some challenging times in my marriage, communication and prayer made the difference. I am going through a body transition as we speak; working out more than I ever had to as I strive to reach my fitness goals. I have grown up and God wants to do more in me and through me to reach others on the same path. There’s Ministry up ahead so the trek continues.

Have you gotten comfortable on your plateau? Do you feel like God has more for you in your thirties? Do you feel like you matured to the next level? Then let’s get goin together! I’m sure you have projects you are working on as well. God doesn’t want us to settle no matter what our age! I have other books I am writing, other projects that are completely different from the parables I wrote ten years ago. Hence the name change to the Parable Creative (ladies that are single The Parable Girl is perfect for you!)

My question to God and myself after the honeymoon and the baby was where do I go from here? What about the dreams I had as a child? What about the things I have yet to accomplish? Do they go undone? Or do I pick up where I left off? Can I handle a child, a husband, responsibilities and BIG DREAMS? Can I go up a little higher? Can I conquer new territory in my thirties? The answer came and it is a definitive YES.

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So, What is the Parable Creative?

Back to the name change situation. First, let’s talk about what a parable means. A parable is a story with a heavenly message. It Glorifies God. It paints the picture of the kingdom of God in a simple story. Sometimes we over complicate things and God says slow down go real slow, its simple. In a parable there are topics we can relate to on Earth that can be compared to what it is like in heaven and what God wants us to learn. Let’s be truthful if God shouted what He wanted us to know in our ear most of us still wouldn’t hear clearly. This is the parable’s cue to take over. Jesus told them so perfectly. It is like a fable that has a central message at the end, the difference is the message points us back to our relationship with God. What are we doing for God, how are we allowing God to use our talents to help others, how can we be better? In The Parable Girl I wrote 16 parables for women that point the reader back to her relationship with God. The Parable Girl is Available on Amazon click here to get your copy.

Now, lets jump to the word creative. We all are familiar with the word. It means to develop something new, to use your imagination, to do something that hasn’t been done before, to use what you got to make something great. This word creative has the root word create. When I thought of create, I pictured the sun, the trees, the stars, the moon because I’m bohemian like that.. I thought of creation because it is organically beautiful. You can’t think of creation and not think of the Creator, even though frighteningly enough some do. That is a different blog topic. Parables are meant to bring us closer to the Kingdom of Heaven and to be creative is what brings us close to the Creator. When we are creative we are imitating our Creator. Remember we are made in His image so this is something we were born to do. Once again another blog post. My goal is for my stories and whatever I create to bring people closer to God and closer to building a relationship with Christ. So that in return my readers can tell and create a product or service that glorifies God, our Creator, and we all can say it is good! Gen. 1:31

What’s Next?

I changed the site’s title to The Parable Creative in hopes to showcase what God has produced within me, right here, whether it is monologues, children’s books, young adult fiction, adult fiction, apparel, collaborative projects or inspirational messages. It will all be here to view, excerpts, rough drafts and all! I just want to share and have fun with my gifts. Which is what all God’s children should do with their gifts. And of course with a grateful heart! I pray this new site inspires a generation to use their gifts and talents for the glory of God and I pray it helps you uncover your creative side. That was my breakdown of The Parable Creative. Please share if you have a project you are working on. I would love to hear from you! Thanks for reading!

Following in His footsteps…

Author of The Parable Girl



In the Closet Series


Fortress of Clay