Epic Win

But not a hair of your head will perish. Stand firm, and you will win life.
Luke 21 18-19

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When you are on the Lord's side you are on the right side. Jesus speaks words of encouragement everyday that pertain to exactly what we are going through. Do you feel attacked from every side? Jesus knows the feeling. Do you feel abandoned by friends? Jesus has been there. Do you feel tired and heavy pressed? Jesus says he will give you rest. Even if you have many setbacks, even if you are going through hard times you have a Savior that says come to me, think of me, lay your burdens down and just rest on me. Won't you do it? Release grudges you are holding on to, pull off the barnacles of hubris from your heart. That is the only way God can restore what is damaged. Jesus is in the R business;

Redemption, Restoration, Reconciliation.

Stand firm and know with Jesus your life is unmatched, incomparable and victorious. You are running this race with Jesus and you will make it to the finish line a winner.

Building Great Faith Challenge
The children of Israel experienced setbacks and great victories during their day. Just like today, it was easy for them to think of what they were currently facing (new problem) instead of thinking back to when God rescued them (old problem). God told them to set memorial stones for the place where God showed his favor towards them as a sign for their descendants and also so they would never forget(Joshua 4). Too often we forget what we have escaped because we are faced with a new problem or new situation. But the same God that healed and rescued us before can do the same today and tomorrow!

Today, set up your own memorial whether it is in your heart or on paper to remember the God that answered your prayer before is the same God that will do it again. This builds great faith, try it like you would try a physical exercise, go back to it to build spiritual muscles. This habit will build your faith so strong it will tear down all the walls that meant to block it out.
Sourness will soften and sweet blossoms of contentment will grow like a garden. Your very own unique garden of praise.
If you have any suggestions or want to share your thoughts. Please write down below.

-The Parable Girl


There's Something about Brazen Beauty Intro to the Course

