Presence over Provision
Do we desire more of what God can give us more than Him?
“Speak Lord, your servant is listening.”
“Show me your glory.”
God wants us to seek His presence over his provision. What does that mean? Does that mean I'm not supposed to ask Him for the things I need? Of course asking is a part of a relationship with our heavenly father. Didn't we ask our parents for stuff? Some of us still do. But how would our parents feel if we only ask them for things but didn't want to be around them? Pretty hurt right? Same if our children put out a hand to receive and another hand to push us away. That would be so cold. So why do we do it to God? Samuel desired God's presence over provision, Moses desired God's presence over provision so did David and so did our Messiah so why can't we?
They knew His presence was provision. In His presence He would give them exactly what they wanted to hear. In his presence we see the things he has already provided. In his presence we recall all the promises he keeps. In his presence we lay down our worry and lift up our worship. In his presence we are free from “How am I going to __? (You fill in the blank). In his presence our fretful tears are wiped away and there is peace beyond understanding. In his presence whether we are aware or not our prayers are answered.
When we call on the Lord to hear what he has to say trust he will reveal what you need and also what he needs from you. When we are constantly asking for things we only being one sided in our relationship. And doesn't he already say “He will supply our every need according to his riches and glory? He's got us. The question is do we want to have more of Him or just more stuff?
What ways do you seek God's presence? Please share below!
The Parable Girl Speaks