Long Distance Call...Battle Scars of Gratitude Series

Do they remember us?

Do they remember us?

Can our loved ones remember us when they die?

I know most people don’t write their epitaphs in their early thirties. Some think its macabre or creepy but I was won over by a teaching from Dr. Tony Evans. He stated, “what would you write on your epitaph for other people that you have left behind?

Well not you, someone on your behalf because you would not be here to write it. It took me a few days to come up with something.

I was stumped but I love a challenge. I was thinking of something deep but how many of you know there is wisdom in simplicity?

So mine would be, Because God said so and she agreed.

The statement of how I live my life is what it will stand for when I die or as we Christians say- fall asleep. You should try it because it is meaningful to do and beyond self because you won’t be here to see how many likes it gets.

So what happens when we leave this place called Earth?

What happens to our Spirit and soul when we transition on outta here?

And when our loved ones leave before us do they still remember their lives?

Do they remember us?

The Bible tells us the afterlife is real. So our loved ones are not a bunch of Caspers floating around somewhere in our thoughts. They are real too.

Sometimes our dreams of our loved ones is like a long distance call or for our modern word a blurry video chat via the clouds; impossible to recreate when we wake.

Listening to Dr. David Jeremiah’s, Where Are they Now ?…and having a conversation with my husband on what are the deceased really doing up there??- reawakened this great energy about eternity and I’m prepared to share what I have learned with you. I hope it comforts and reminds you that this place we call home is not our home. It is a hotel and we are on a long distance business trip.

Even though it hurts, really hurts,

-losing an organ hurt,

-without any prep hurt,

to lose someone.

When they are in Christ they are not that far away and we are on our way to see them soon, very soon.

Here are ways we know our loved ones are very much awake and are so much better off than we could ever imagine.

1. They are Home.

Yes, we are fully confident, and we would rather be away from these earthly bodies, for then we will be at home with the Lord. 2 Corinthians 5.

If you were given a choice to suffer or go home, which choice would you choose? If you got a glimpse of your eternal home were there was no weeping, or hunger, or evil just the comforting arms of the Father and the fullness of his love would you stay? If heaven opened wide to take you in would you turn your head? I think not. Those in Christ are not sleeping, their fleshly bodies are sleeping but they are not. They are living the good life kicking their feet up home at last.

2. They Remember.

But Abraham said to him, ‘Son, remember that during your lifetime you had everything you wanted, and Lazarus had nothing. So now he is here being comforted, and you are in anguish. Luke 16:25

The story Jesus told in the book of Luke was real. Jesus was recounting his experience in heaven otherwise he would not call them by name. The characters in parables Jesus spoke were never given any intimate names this story was a retelling. Abraham says to the rich man remember when…that means when we transition and leave our body we can remember when…Also the rich man talks about going back to save his family. Whether you are in hell or heaven you can remember. People in hell have regrets. People in heaven have perfect peace so they live without regrets. They only have happy associations of their former life.

3. They were escorted by Angels.

Finally, the poor man died and was carried by the angels to sit beside Abraham at the heavenly banquet. The rich man also died and was buried, and he went to the place of the dead. There, in torment, he saw Abraham in the far distance with Lazarus at his side. Luke 16:22‭-‬23

Closing their eyes to this world only means they open them to marvelous light. The first to greet them are God’s holy messengers neither evoking fear or causing confusion but the polar opposite. What an epic flight and glamourous way to enter the gates of glory!

4. They are living it up in Paradise.

Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your Kingdom.” And Jesus replied, “I assure you, today you will be with me in paradise.” Luke 23:42‭-‬43

The thief on the cross gave his life (the last few seconds) over to Jesus. And Jesus being the Savior he is accepted and gave him a one way ticket to Paradise. When Jesus died for the world’s sins he entered into Paradise; the Third Heaven with the redeemed thief and all the other righteous saints that had died before the resurrection. So our loved ones are meeting all the saints and having a continual feast with every born again person from history. That sounds like living the best life. What do you think?

5. They are with Jesus.

When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am. And you know the way to where I am going.” John 14:3‭-‬4

This pertains to us or those that are raptured when Jesus returns. It is also a message to those that accept Jesus as their Savior and lay down their lives before Him. There in this scripture Jesus is making a promise that he will always be with us. He is with our loved ones and they are with Jesus. What a triumphant relationship. Who wouldn’t want to be so close to a Savior, our Savior. In his arms they know everything makes sense.

If you confess with your mouth “Jesus is Lord” and believe in your heart he rose from the dead then you shall be saved. Romans 10.9

When our long business trip draws to a close and our purpose on Earth is complete we too will be in line for the greatest homecoming unbeknown to the fleshly eye.

My Book Recommendations on this topic and related topics to help you with your walk with the Lord.

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The more questions you ask the more chaos you create. I can’t satisfy a flesh question with a spirit answer. “

-Dr. Cheryl Salem

Trust. Jesus.

I hope this was a good feed for your soul. If it was please share.


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Battle Scars of Gratitude