Wisdom Wednesday

Who is the sexiest man that ever lived?

Marlon Brando? No.

Billy Dee Williams? Ehh..

Brad Pitt or Denzel Washington..Idris Elba..Channing Tatum? Not even close.

Jesus is the sexiest man that ever lives because he was the only man that could rescue me from the fiery damnation of an eternal hell and the only man who will escort me to the liveliest party that has ever been planned. That is a supernatural sexy. 

I know i am being controversial when I say my Lord and Savior is sexy. Today we use the word sexy like we use the slang dope back in the 90s. Example: "The way he stood up for her when everybody else turned their back, that was sexy. He just knew what I was going to say before I said it. That was sexy!"

When he ascended to the heights, he led a crowd of captives and gave gifts to his people.

He became one of us to give us a hope and a future. He became one of us, perishable, mortal so that we could be like him non perishable and immortal. He ascended and gave us the Holy Spirit so that we could set our minds on things above and not on things below. He gave us gifts and the fruit of the spirit so we wouldn't have to lust but so that we could love and appreciate someone on a deeper level. As Christians we should have the likeness of Christ and not the world therefore our version of sexy should be a little different. 

So as we watch another awards show and settle our minds on what performance we think is sexy or when a nice looking guy checks us out  let's challenge ourselves to think above the lust. This is what I look for when I use the word sexy...now that is.

Intregrity: Trustworthy, honest and doing what is right, not just what is right in his own eyes..

Bravery: Fearless even when the world can be against him, even if he has to stand alone.

What is your sexy?

What is your sexy?

Timelessness: Unaffected by the world's everchanging trends, unchangable, rooted and grounded in who he is and what he believes. Good steward over the body and mind, filtered, classic beauty.

These are the characteristics of Christ that will let me know ...This person has substance, this person is humble, this person has skills, this person is sexy. But then again this is my sexy.

THINK ABOVE THE LUST..WHAT IS YOUR SEXY? (It's more than washboard abs) (even though there is nothing wrong with washboard abs :)


What is your sexy?

What is your sexy?




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